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South Downs Equine Sports Massage


What is Equine Sports Massage?

Equine Sports Massage Therapy is the therapeutic application of hands-on, recognised massage techniques for the purpose of increasing circulation, relaxing muscle spasms, relieving tension, enhancing muscle tone, and increasing range of motion in horses.


What are the benefits of Equine Sports Massage?


  • Enhances muscle tone and increases range of motion.

  • Helps to balance the body by treating it as a whole, not just an individual area.

  • Relieves tension in the muscles.

  • Reduces joint inflammation and swelling, therefor alleviating pain.

  • It increases the flow of nutrients to, and the release of toxins from the muscles, therefore promoting healing.

  • Improves circulation, which release endorphins, which is a natural pain killer.  This also helps to release toxins through the skin.

  • Helps to maintain whole body physical condition.


When should my horse have a massage?

There are many different reasons for a horse to have a massage, they include:-

  • Pre-event – warms and loosens the muscles ready for an event.

  • Post-event – Relieves any muscle pain and stiffness and returns the muscles to a normal state much sooner than without massage.

  • Routine Massage – for regular, overall maintenance.

  • Box rest/Rehabilitation/Vet referral – alongside veterinary treatment and advice.

  • Retired/happy hacker – for regular, overall maintenance.


What should I expect when my horse receives a massage?

Initial consultation and massage 1.5hours approx.

An in depth history of your horse will be taken, noting the following:-

  • Horses name

  • Age, Height, Sex, Breed

  • Condition score (Weight)

  • Current workload

  • Current routine (ridden/turnout)

  • Any vices

  • Discipline

  • Type of treatment requested

  • Medical history

  • Assessment of static and dynamic conformation


Client details:-

  • Name of owner/person dealing with the horse

  • Address of yard

  • Phone numbers

  • Other healthcare professional/therapist that work with your horse e.g. vet, dentist, instructor, saddler


Once a history has been taken and an assessment made, massage will take place (approximately 1 hour), then any advice or recommendations following treatment will be given.


Routine/Follow up massage 1 Hour approx.

An initial discussion will take place to discuss any observations/changes made since last massage.

Massage (approximately 1 Hour), then any advice or recommendations following treatment will be given

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